Natural Family Planning Apps
Making NFP even easier! ALL apps are HSA/FSA eligible!
Natural Cycles is the first NFP app to be reimbursable by health insurance. This app tracks a woman's basal body temperature (BBT), and gives women the option to either use morning BBT thermometer or wear the Oura Ring to bed in order to track average BBT throughout sleep. Recorded temperature automatically syncs to app, and informs women of fertile vs non-fertile days.
Use my promo code NFPP in order to get 15% OFF on an annual plan!
This NFP company tracks basal body temperature (BBT) with a wearable armband sensor, which is worn while asleep. Nightly recorded BBT automatically syncs to app and informs woman of fertile and non-fertile days.
Click the link below, and you will get 10% OFF when you purchase Tempdrop!
With the Mira Hormone Monitor Kit, women can track 4 separate hormones (estradiol, LH, FSH, and progesterone metabolite [PdG]) in order to predict & confirm ovulation, track their 6 day fertile window, and see daily quantitative hormone levels. Hormone levels are obtained by dipping testing strip into urine, and then results are charted on a graph and automatically sync to the Mira app.
Use my promo code NFPPHYSICIAN to get 15% OFF on starter kits or up to 25% OFF on urine test wand refills!
This kit tracks 2 hormones (LH and estrogen) to help you detect your 2 peak fertile days as well as full 6 day fertile window. The monitor is touch screen and stores up to 6 cycles of data in order for you to review and show your physician.
This BBT thermometer measures to the nearest 1/100th degree, which leads to highly accurate precision. The thermometer records the last 30 temperature values and has blue backlight for easy visibility in the dark. Can use Premom app to chart temperature and track peak fertility.
These pregnancy tests are over 99% accurate and can tell you if you're pregnant 6 days sooner than your missed period. Results are easy to read and clear.
This prenatal vitamin not only contains adequate amount of essential vitamins and nutrients, but it features an organic superfood blend and an enzyme and probiotic blend. It supports good digestion and gut health, and is allergy friendly. However, it only contains 55mg of choline.
This prenatal vitamin contains rosemary, mint, and mixed tocopherols to help improve taste, reduce fish burps, and be gentle on the stomach for women more prone to nausea. It also contains 110mg of choline and methylfolate instead of folic acid.
The #1 OBGYN recommended over the counter prenatal vitamin. This prenatal contains adequate amounts of essential vitamins including folic acid, Omega 3-DHA, and iron, and it contains 110mg of choline for healthy development of baby's brain and spinal cord.

Helpful Links​
Natural Womanhood -- a site dedicated to informing women more about their bodies and NFP.​​
American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) -- information published by the American Family Physician journal regarding the basics of NFP.
American Pregnancy Association -- an association devoted to promoting healthy pregnancies and providing information to women and families with pregnancy related issues.
FACTS About Fertility -- a group of physicians, healthcare professionals, and educators dedicated to giving women more information about NFP.
Fertility Care Centers of America (FCCA) --a non-profit corporation that was founded by the man who developed the Creighton Model of NFP.
Catholic Medical Association (CMA) -- an association dedicated to encouraging Catholic physicians to live and promote the Catholic Faith. This website gives information on topics such as medical ethics.
American Association of Pro-Life OBGYNs (AAPLOG) -- a professional association composed of pro-life medical professionals who defend the lives of pregnant mothers as well as their pre-born children.
Catholic Women and Couples NFP (CWCNFP) -- an organization that teaches Catholic women and couples NFP for free!
One More Soul -- a database that can be used to find NFP-only physicians.