When getting started with NFP, you may be struggling with which method to choose. This was a question that I and my husband had to navigate as well. While all methods are effective and amazing ways to know more about the female body and fertility, what may be the perfect method for one couple, might not fit perfectly into your specific lifestyle. This blog is going to go over some different factors to consider when trying to choose the perfect natural family planning method for you.
What Are the Different Methods to Choose From?
Prior to choosing, one has to know about the different NFP methods there are to pick from. First of all, there is the cervical mucus method (I.e. Creighton, Billings, or Two-Day method). For this method, a woman makes daily observations of the color, stretch, and sensation of cervical mucus that is seen on toilet paper after wiping. On the high fertility days approaching ovulation, her cervical mucus will start to appear clear, stretchy, and lubricative similar to raw egg whites. See my blog post to learn more about the cervical mucus method.
Second, there is the basal body temperature method (BBT). This method requires you to use a digital BBT thermometer to check your BBT every morning (or throughout the night with apps like Natural Cycles and Tempdrop). Ovulation is indicated by BBT rising by approximately 0.4-1.0 degrees Fahrenheit and remaining elevated until the start of your next period. See my blog post to learn more about the basal body temperature method.
Thirdly, there is the sympto-hormonal method. This method requires you to use a urine test wand to check your urine hormone levels daily. Ovulation occurs when the luteinizing hormone (LH) spikes. All versions of this method will measure LH, but some versions such as Mira and Inito apps will check a total of 4 hormones (LH, FSH, estrogen, and a progesterone metabolite). See my blog post to learn more about the sympto-hormonal method.

Different Methods of NFP Cater to Different Lifestyles:
Women who have very irregular work schedules or sleep schedules:
If your work schedule frequently changes from day to day (I.e. having to switch between day and night shifts), or some other factor leads you to waking up at different times every morning, then the cervical mucus method may be best for you since it does not require you to check your BBT or urine hormone levels consistently at the same time every morning. Additionally, frequent awakenings such as having to wake up to breast feed every 2-4 hours can also prevent you from not getting a minimum of 3 hours of uninterrupted sleep. Not getting at least 3-5 hours of uninterrupted sleep can effect your BBT, making the BBT method a more challenging method for you.
Women who have a very strict morning routine and daily schedule.
If this describes you, then the BBT and sympto-hormonal methods are great NFP options for you. These methods require you to make daily observations (either basal body temperature or urine hormone testing) at approximately the same time every morning right after waking up.
Women who prefer objective data.
Women who prefer to see the numbers are better suited for BBT and sympto-hormonal methods. Both of these methods give clear objective numbers as data (either temperature value or measured hormone levels), leaving no room for personal error in assigning a qualitative value to your fertility sign observations.
For the largest amount of objective data, Mira and Inito apps (both are sympto-hormonal methods) can track a total of 4 key hormone levels throughout your entire cycle and plot them on a line graph. These apps also allow you to add in BBT data, which you measure on your own, and they will add this info to your graph as well.
Women who are more techy and appreciate modern technology being incorporated into their NFP method and fertility journey.
For the tech-lovers, modern technology has been incorporated into a couple different apps for both the BBT method and the sympto-hormonal method.
The BBT app called Natural Cycles has partnered with the Oura Ring in order to check BBT throughout the night, come up with your average BBT, and sync this information to your phone. Tempdrop works in a similar way, but using an armband with a sensor that can track your BBT.
The sympto-hormonal apps have taken the sympto-hormonal level to a whole new level. Apps such as Mira and Inito both have sensors that can read urine hormone tests, plot the lab values onto an easy-to-read line graph, and then sync all the information directly to your phone.
Women who don’t feel comfortable checking cervical mucus.
If you don't feel comfortable with making cervical mucus observations multiple times throughout the day, then the cervical mucus method is probably not the best method for you. Both the BBT and sympto-hormonal methods tend to be a better choice in this case.
Women who want a clear cut "yes" or "no".
If you feel as if you wouldn't be confident in assigning a qualitative value to your cervical mucus, then the cervical mucus method is probably not best for you, but BBT and sympto-hormonal methods would be preferred. This is because the BBT and sympto-hormonal methods make the decision for you and give clear answers as to when ovulation occurred.
Women who are on a budget.
The one method that is virtually FREE to use is the cervical mucus method. This is because not only can you take free NFP educational classes if you are Catholic through CWCNFP, but you also do not need to pay for an app subscription, special monitors, or refills on urine test wands. The only thing you need for this method is YOU!
Additionally, if trying to pick between the BBT and sympto-hormonal method, the BBT method tends to be much more cost effective. A simple BBT oral thermometer can cost approximately $15, and then temperature readings can be tracked in a FREE app called Premom. This is a much cheaper option than some of the more premium NFP app subscriptions and doesn't require buying urine test wand refills for every month.
Women who frequently misplace things or are always "losing their keys".
If you are anything like me, and tend to be scatterbrained at times, then the cervical mucus method may be best for you. For this method, you do not have to worry about misplacing your thermometer, sensor, or urine test wands. The only thing that you have to worry about having on hand with the cervical mucus method is the toilet paper in the bathroom and yourself.
This also means that you do not have to worry about forgetting to order refills, or urine test wands, or to renew your NFP app subscription. Therefore, you will not have to deal with missing a couple of days of charting due to not having all of the appropriate equipment on hand for making fertility observations.
Women who are avid travelers, and may be switching between time zones.
The cervical mucus method tends to be the best method for frequent travelers and women traveling between time zones. This is because this method does not rely on you checking your fertility signs at a specific time each day. Instead, you make observations throughout the entire day. Additionally, if you are traveling, you don't have to worry about packing all the equipment required of the other two methods (urine test wands, sensors, or BBT thermometers).
Women with consistently irregular periods.
Although all natural family planning methods can be used with irregular periods, the methods that are best for irregular periods are the cervical mucus method and sympto-hormonal method. Otherwise, you should incorporate cervical mucus observations or urine hormone testing into the BBT method. This is because checking BBT alone will confirm when ovulation has occurred, but can't tell you when your fertile window begins without using some form of algorithm, which would rely on more regular cycles. If you make cervical mucus observations, you can tell exactly when mucus changes and thus when the fertility window begins. Likewise, if you are using the sympto-hormonal method, the monitor detects when there is an increase in estrogen, which is a marker for the start of the fertile window. Click here for more info on identifying irregular periods.
Conclusion: What Type of Woman Best Describes You?
While each feritlity awareness method is effective and a wonderful way to understand more about your fertility, certain methods are better for different people. With so many options, it can be difficult to determine which natural family planning method is right for you. Since I started marriage prep and really diving into my NFP journey while in my residency program, I knew that my schedule was always changing and I had to switch between day shift, night shift, and 24 hour call throughout the week. Therefore, my work and sleep schedules were very irregular. Plus I really value traveling and budget friendly options. These reasons lead me and my husband to choosing the Creighton method (cervical mucus method). While trying to navigate the start of your NFP and fertility awareness journey, I hope this blog helps give you some direction in making your own choice of preferred NFP method.