1. It is ineffective at preventing pregnancy.
All NFP methods are based off of science by tracking signs and symptoms from hormonal changes throughout the female menstrual cycle in order to pinpoint when ovulation occurs. Studies have shown that when used consistently with following all the NFP method’s guidelines, NFP can be 96.5% - 99.6% effective at avoiding pregnancy depending on the specific NFP method used. (These numbers are based off of a study published in Osteopathic Family Physician Journal [2013]).
2. NFP is only for Catholics.
While NFP is an accepted teaching and practiced within the Catholic Church, Natural Family Planning is not only for Catholics. It is a way to both avoid and achieve pregnancy that is consistent with moral views of many different people and religions. Additionally, NFP is also used among women with fertility issues, women who want more natural options rather than using pharmaceuticals, women who had side effects or contraindications to using hormonal birth control, and women who are wanting to live an environmentally friendly lifestyle.
3. NFP = big families.
When using NFP, you can have as large or as small of a family as you would like! NFP encourages couples to discern whether or not they are called to conceive at that moment in time, and to continue to discern together every month. The reason this has become a myth is because many couples that use NFP are open to and desire to have lots of children. Therefore, having a large family was not “an accident” but an active choice. After all, NFP is not only used to avoid pregnancy, but also to achieve pregnancy.
4. It doesn’t work with irregular cycles.
NFP can be used by women of all menstrual cycle types (long, short, regular, and irregular). This is because NFP does not guess or estimate when a woman is going to ovulate based off of average cycle length, algorithms, or previous cycle patterns. Instead, it teaches women to be able to observe signs and symptoms of fertility through different biomarkers in real-time. Once a woman learns to identify these signs (i.e. basal body temperature, hormonal markers, or changes in cervical mucus), she will be able to identify when she is fertile, even if this changes from cycle to cycle. Furthermore, NFP can be used to diagnose and treat the cause of irregular cycles.
5. It is just another method of birth control.
NFP is different from contraception and birth control for multiple reasons. First and foremost, it is not “against” conception and ovulation, which is what the word “contraception” itself means. It brings awareness and respect to the female menstrual cycle and fertility, encourages cooperation and communication between a couple, and it can be used to both avoid/postpone or achieve pregnancy. Contraception has to be discontinued in order to try to conceive because its purpose is to prevent ovulation . Additionally, unlike birth control, it has no side effects or contraindications.
6. NFP is the same as the rhythm method or “pull-out” method.
There are multiple different methods of NFP, but neither the “rhythm method” nor the “pull-out method” are methods of NFP. This is because NFP methods focus on identifying actual signs and symptoms of fertility and ovulation, and then choosing to time sex around these biomarkers. NFP does not estimate or guess when a woman is ovulating.
7. It is too complicated to be used by most people.
With the help of modern technology, NFP couldn’t be easier! There are many NFP apps out there that do all of the work for you. All you have to do is remember to wear a ring or armband to bed (forms of basal body thermometers), or use a hormonal urine test when going to the bathroom, and the results of your hormone levels or basal body temperature will automatically sync to your phone. Then, the app will tell you which days you are fertile. Checking cervical mucus when going to the bathroom, checking your basal body temperature in the mornings, or peeing on an ovulation urine test all start to become part of one’s daily routine, just like brushing your teeth or washing your face. NFP is made for anyone to be able to use as long as they are motivated to learn and follow the different guidelines/instructions associated with each method.
8. Couples who use NFP have less sex than the average American.
This is very couple dependent. While a couple who is using NFP to avoid pregnancy may abstain from sex for several days during the month, on non-fertile days, they may have sex more frequently. While their sex schedule may look different than couples not using NFP, the quantity of the amount of intercourse may be the exact same, or even greater than couples not using NFP. Additionally, NFP helps many couples feel more fulfilled in their marriage because the quality of their sexual relationship has improved and is built on love and respect, which deepen their intimacy.
9. It puts strain on a couple.
NFP has been shown to improve a couple’s relationship by helping them to better understand each other’s bodies, requiring them to work together, and improving their communication together.